Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary

Baird's TapirHistory and Mission:

Mary Lynn Perry and had been noticing a steady decline in the local wildlife population on their Costa Rican jungle farm, which they believed was primarily due to illegal hunting.
In October of 2004, poachers shot their favorite stallion. (Hunters in Costa Rica typically hunt by shining a flashlight at night and looking for red eyes reflecting in the distance). This precipitous event enraged the local community and galvanized the couple into direct action, and they began to organize protection for the local wildlife.

Our project focuses on all conservation issues in our area, to preserve and protect our lil’ corner of Costa Rica,  including conservation education, wildlife rescue center, reforestation.

Our project consists of a wildlife rescue center:
wildlife sanctuary (28 acre property of secondary & primary jungle near  the national park Reserva Cabo Blanco);
conservation education programs in the local schools and community awareness programs;
reproduction for re-introduction of endangered or already extinct (in our area) species of animals & birds;
combating the poaching, hide trade, & illicit pet trade in our area;
promoting reforestation by providing rare & endangered hardwoods & native fruit trees,
along with providing expert advice and hands on help (along with our volunteers) to landscape natural forest environments, at minimal cost ($1 U.S. per tree). 
We also work together with other conservationists to acquire, restore, and/or create key properties with biological/wildlife corridors in order to expand wilderness habitat territory available for the wildlife in our area.
We provide nature tours to nature lovers at minimal cost.
We are networked with numerous biologists and scientists from all around the world to expand the knowledge about various animal species. 
We maintain a nursery of rare medicinal plants and trees, and promote the use of natural remedies made with native medicinals. 
Our volunteer program draws over 200 volunteers from all over the world to Cabuya annually, and this influx of eco-tourism has a noticeable positive impact on the economics of our community. 
Our wildlife rescue center draws visitors from all over the globe.
Everyone enjoys the close contact with the various wildlife species we care for. 
The visitors also impact the community positively (hotels, restaurants, service industries, transportation, etc.).
Conservation education is our focus for all aspects of our project.

We gladly advise and counsel people who are striving to develop similar projects worldwide.

Urgent action is needed now to insure that this area is protected as the human population grows.
Our area of Costa Rica is rapidly developing as foreigners are buying former cattle land and building houses.
Most foreign residents are conservation-minded and interested in reforesting and protecting wildlife. Simultaneously, many of the local Costa Rican farmers are beginning to understand that protecting animals and planting trees will not only bring more tourists, but will increase the value of their land. However, more education is needed.
Paved roads are already planned for the area by the Costa Rican government, which will bring even more development, and we're working to protect the pockets of virgin/primary forest still remaining.

Rainsong Sanctuary map

Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary Goals:

1. To re-introduce endangered species to their natural habitat in areas where they are already extinct, with supervision of biologists and veterinarians, and with protection from poachers.
Some of the species which are already or almost extinct in our area are the endangered Three-toed Sloth, Baird's Tapir, Quetzal, Spider Monkeys, Kinkajous, Tepezquintles (pacas), Tamandua Anteaters, Green Iguanas, Crested Guan, Chachalacs, native pigeons and quail, Scarlet Macaws...
2. To care for and breed four (4) genetically diverse families of Tapir (Danta) on two (2) hectares (5 acres) of secondary jungle, in order to be able to release breeding pairs (from offspring) back into their natural habitat in areas where these species are already extinct.

3. To create an Association under the name "Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary" to provide a legal network for sponsors and voluntary funding.
The Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary Asssociation is a nonprofit organization, recycling all funds back into the project.
Rainsong is already registered nonprofit, tax-exempt (for donations) in Costa Rica.
Soon we will also have nonprofit status stateside to enable us to seek funding from foundations and universities in the usa, canada, and europe.

4. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary is committed to protecting wildlife from poachers.
With the help of Penjamo Community Wildlife Refuge members, our sponsors, and volunteers, we will be able to manage this responsibility.

5. There will be a full-time crew of 3 persons to maintain the animals in the rescue center and sanctuary.

6. We will allow interaction with the public under only strictly controlled conditions, according to MINAE's guidelines.

7. We would like to stimulate the awareness of the public towards these various species in danger of extinction, in order to make their re-introduction into the wild a success. We intend to educate people to respect nature and to report poachers to the authorities.

8. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary takes in injured animals or abandoned young of any species of wildlife for care, recovery, and eventual release (when possible).
We will work directly with a local veterinarian for the care of these and all animals in the protected areas.

9. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary offers internationally accredited university-level courses in wildlife field studies and conservation, for students world-wide.

10. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary offers interactive tours of the rescue center and sanctuary to all levels of school children, local and international.

Metas en Espanol (Goals):

1. Queremos re-introducir aves y animales (especies en peligro de extincion), volviendo los a su habitat natural en areas donde ellos ya se encuentra extinto, con la supervision de biologos y veterinarios, y siempre con proteccion de los cazadores. Algunas especies ya extinto en nuestro region son: Perezoso, Danta, Mono Colorado, Lapas, and Quetzal.

2. Queremos cuidar y procrear cuatro (4) familias de Danta (Tapir) con diversidad genetico, ubicado en dos (2) hectares (5 acres) que es jungla secundario, para poder (en el futura) liberar parejas (de crea de el Sanctuario) apto para procrearse en su habitat natural en areas donde el especie ya se encuentra extinto.

3. Establecer una Associacion bajo el nombre "Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary" para proveer una red con integridad legal para los patrocinadores y fondos voluntarios. La Associacion Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary estará una entidad legal, sin fines de lucro, comprometido que todos los fondos se inviertan desarollando el mismo proyecto.

4. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary esta comprometido tomar en serio la responsibilidad de guardar los animales y aves de los cazadores, y con los ayudas de los miembros del Penjamo Community Wildlife Refuge (Refugio Communal Penjamo para Vida Silvestre), los patrocinadores, y voluntarios, puedemos cumplir con este responsibilidad.

5. Mantenemos siempre un equipo de tres (3) personas cuidando el Sanctuary (Sanctuario), incluiendo un Biologo Regente de MINAE.

6. Permitimos interaccion entre los aves y animales en el Sanctuary y el publico bajo circumstancias estrictamente controlado, supervisado por reglas de MINAE, entre los dias y horas designado por el interaccion con el publico.

7. Quieremos estimular y cultivar la consciencia y conocimiento de el publico con respecto a estos aves y animales en peligro de extinction, para asi hacer la re-introduccion al bosque natural un evento exitoso. Queremos educar el publico a respectar la Natureleza, y denunciar los cazadores a los autoridades.

8. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary va mantener un Hospital para Vida Silvestre, para cualquiere aves o animales silvestres que esten heridos, abandonados, o enfermos.
El Hospital del Sanctuary compromete cuidar los, rehabilitar los, y liberar los (cuando es possible).
La Associacion del Sanctuary estamos trabajando conjunto con un Doctor Veterinario del local para la cuida de los aves y animales en el Centro de Rescate y Sanctuario.

9. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary Association estará ofreciendo clases y cursos de nivel universitario internacional en los areas academica de Estudios de Vida Silvestre, y Conservacion, para estudiantes de todo el mundo.

10. Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary estará ofreciendo excursiones (tours) interactivo del Sanctuary y Refuge, a todos niveles de estudiantes escolar, en nivel mundial.

Beaches of Cabuya Photo Collage
Copyright 2005 by Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary All Rights Reserved